Sunday, December 9, 2012

CH 7 Business Marketing

CH 7 Business Marketing

 Sephora created a personalized, targeted website and mobile site. Customers can get in-store experience visiting Sephora's website .This way company marketers created great e-commerce platform. How this platform become so successful? One of the main key to success was complete reconstructive of Sephora's web platform to allow customers to search for highly specific product criteria. And the main goal was to make every online customer to have at the same time the in-store and online shopping experiences. To make customers comfortable using website, Sephora created search across 25 different criteria including age group, SPF, skin type and more. 
Also in the new system, online customers will be saved into a customer's profile if he or she is one of the 18 million members of Sephora's loyalty program, Beauty Insider. Sephora recognizes that not all consumers want to be tracked so its up to customer if he/she wants to register. some of the Sephora stores have iPads on hand, from which store assistants will be able to pull customer data to help them with purchases.
The data collected through online searches and purchases will allow Sephora to target customers through email campaigns. “Some of the emails that we send could have up to 50 different versions and they are targeting your skin type or what you've bought recently,” she said. “We think it makes it more enjoyable to open your email when it's really relevant to you.”ll products have a “pin-it” button for easy use. Interest is now the second-highest social media driver to, Dolan said, after Facebook

The main goal for Sephora's managing/marketing team is to transcend shopping on the web and bring it to mobile so that customers can have exactly what they are looking for wherever they are at the moment. All products on the Sephora's website have "pin-it" button for customers to save it in their watch list and easy to find product so they will definitely find it if they decide to buy it. 
Sephora is company that steps alone with the latest trends and technology and it is very important that they keep developing their e-commerce platform. This way they can target very wide range of customers and convert them to loyal ones.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

CH11 Developing and managing products

CH11 Developing and managing products

Sephora is very sensetive to a modern world tendensies, fashion and customers wants/needs.
Sephora's mangement and development team uses tools like:

-New Product lines:

For example, 
Flash&Go Permanent Hair Removal Set

 What it is:
An FDA approved at-home treatment to obtain permanent, professional hair removal results.

What it does:
Designed for men and women, the easy-to-use Flash&Go™ is an FDA-cleared home-use device for obtaining permanent hair removal results. It uses highly sophisticated Home Pulsed Light™ (HPL) technology to safely and effectively provide you with proven long-term hair removal. Top dermatologists and plastic surgeons who tested Flash&Go concluded it could be used safely, easily, and effectively in a typical home environment. A unique skin color sensor is built into the device to measure the treated skin complexion at the beginning of each session and occasionally during the session. It ensures that pulses will only be emitted on suitable skin tones (lighter skin tones and brown to black hair). As with professional laser treatments, a series of treatments are required to clear an area of unwanted hair.

- Additions to existing product lines 

 Damage Reverse™ Restorative Hair Treatment Plus
 What it is:
Ojon's cult-classic restorative treatment reformulated with a new lighter scent and fortified with Rouge Oleifera.

- Improvements or revisions of new products:

                                                      Bamboo Style™ Cleanse Extend Translucent Dry Shampoo
 What it is:
A virtually translucent dry shampoo that is designed to absorb oil, product build-up, and impurities to extend the life of your blowout without leaving any powdery residue.

What it does:
This dry shampoo combines strengthening pure organic bamboo extract, nourishing, naturally fixative blue yucca root, and Color Hold® technology for color retention. Even on dark hair, the formula is transparent and leaves strands feeling clean and full of body with an amazing scent. Use it to give volume to freshly washed or “second-day” hair.
 That is something totally advanced!!!
I've been using dry shampoos but they all leave like a white poweder look on top of the roots , this improvmemnt is great!

-Lower priced products:

Style & Finish Kit
The advanced ceramic heaters and contoured aluminum plates create the ultimate styling surface for smooth, static-free shine. This model also stays cooler to the touch longer and is lighter to handle. Finish off your look using the included natural bristle oval brush that can be stored in a satin pouch to protect it in style .

This product has a combined pack of few tools that helps in reaching perfect anti-freeze look  and together it is cheaper to buy then all the tools seperatly.

There are just a few examples that I put above, but all these tools to make new product strategy  sucsessful is used by Sephora.
I'm personally as a customer looking forward for their innovations all the time!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

CH 8 Segmenting and Target Market

CH 8 Segmenting and Target Market.

Market Segment a subgroup of people or organizations sharing one or more characteristics that cause them to have similar product needs.
Sephora's market segment is very clear. The main target group are women age of 20-50 years. The main segmentation bases to charcuteries are women that like to pun on make up, taking care of their skin, put a nice parfume on. But it is not the only one target group there are also many men started to go to Sephora and find their products like parfume, after shaving creams, body wash and other skin care products.
Geographic segmentation for Sephora is very delicate question because Sephora has stores around the world. Depends up on the region demand changes.  And one product might be more popular at one store at Sephora then at the other. For example, Sephora store that is located in Miami will have greater demand on the sunscreen products then the store in New York (September though May). Also different geographic location, different nationalities, cultures. As I mentioned in the previous blog about Asian market, that Asian women like to buy more skin care product then cosmetics. That is why Sephora store in Honk Kong for instance will have more skin- care products then the store in Italy.
 Psychographic segmentation of the Sephora's customers is younger urban people, who is in to fashion, likes to take care themselves and to stand out.
Benefit segmentation is also exist at Sephora's, for example, skin-care product like anti-wrinkle lotion that helps women to keep their skin younger and better looking for longer time.
Sephora has a stable position, where customers trust the products and become loyal everyday more an more though out the whole globe.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

CH 16 INtegrated Marketing . Communication

CH 16 Integrated Marketing . Communication

Today I will talk about blogs on blog.

Sephora has both corporative and noncorporative blogs.
Well me personally one of the examples of noncorporate blog. I talk about Sephora and in  a way promote this company I have about 700 viewers of my blog for 2.5 months.
Here is another example of noncorporate blogs :

This is couple of customers feedbacks:"If I had a million dollars, I would spend a large chunk of it here. I always ask for Sephora gift cards for my birthday, and keep them until I really need someting. They have a great selection of hair products, and carry my favorite hair bands, that cost a fortune, but don't snag your hair. I use Clinique cosmetics, and if i don't feel like walking all the way to Rob-May, or macy's, I can usually find just what I need there, and the staff is very helpful."
February 09, 2005
 "I love sephora and you can ask anyone. They have everything involving make up that you could imagine. A little pricey but totally worth every cent. Very helpful staff."
April 23, 2005  Corporate blogs. They are like outlets for company employees or spokespeople to share information with the public. Although blogs are used to further a company’s communication goals, they are very different than company Web sites. Blogs do provide much of the same information distributed in company press releases or on company Web sites, but the discerning factors are the tone in which the information is presented and the fact that blogs encourage two-way dialogue. Check out Sephora’s “Beauty and the Blog” to see all of this in action: Sephora’s blog
This company blog directed at “beauty junkies”-women who are constantly testing out the newest products and who are in touch with the variety of beauty products on the market today. 
The style and tone of the blog make it seem like a girl talking to her friend. The blog provides a lot of information on the products sold at Sephora. Some posts inform readers of new product launches and provide links to the official Sephora's Web site for purchase information. Other posts inform about various Sephora's products and writers detail their experiences with the products-pictures of staff wearing the items typically accompany. The blog is topped off by guest entries and accounts of staff meetings with makeup artists.
Although it looks interesting, corporate blogging has its negative sides. One problem is that people could be very aware that the blog is a tool used for public relations. Although blogs appear a little more real their main purpose is to promote. Going through Sephora’s blog is fun-I’m one of many who enjoy checking out the latest fashion and makeup trends. However, I realize that what I'm reading is focused on pursuing me to go and get their products.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

CH 10 Product concepts

CH 10 Product Concepts.

Welcome to Sephora's products and branding. I would like to mansion that Sephora's stores caring about 250 brands most of those are global brands as well as manufacturer's brand, private brands, captive brands.
Global brand a brand that obtains at list a third of earnings from outside its own country, is recognizable outside its home base of customers, and has publicly available marketing and financial data.
 Sephora caries Dolce Gabbanna, Chanel, Dior, YSL, Este Lauder, Juicy Couture, Armani etc.

Manufacturer's brand the brand name of the manufactures
Sephora has its own brand

"COLLECTION is designed for you to experiment, express, and explore"

  by Sephora.

Sephora collection has 80 eye shadows, 90 lipsticks, 100 eyeliners, 75 make up brushes.
And its only a part of what they are manufacturing and bringing to live family branding.
Packaging. Sephora's marketers and designers developed an original black and white packaging the same is the store interia. Which is very simple but unique its very easy to recognize Sephora's packaging, which makes it promote itself. ( Persuasive labeling)
Captive brands a brand manufactured by a third party for an exclusive retailer,
without evidence of that retailers affiliation.
Like Sastuma body butter that manufactured in UK and exclusively intoduced by Sephora in the US.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

CH 18 Sales Promotion and Personal Selling.

Sephora has created a huge variety of promotions and sales to get all type of buyers
- Loyal customers those type of people who buys Sephora's product most of all of the time
SEphora has a loyalry program cards VIB cards that collect the points that you can get every time you shop at the Sephora relative to amount you spent for purchase , after that Premium comes into play and you can get some cosmetics/ parfume as a gift, but it will cost such and such amount of points.
- Competitor's customers Sephora itself build-up as a competitive brand, because as soon as you walk in you can try any product that you want without asking anybody, which is unique in this business( no other cosmetic store allows you to test their products unless sales person will offer you t try and it will be selected items)
- Brand Switchers. For those who likes to try new things and experiment with cosmetic/parfumes from different brand and different cost Sephora got a huge selection of good brands. This way many curious customers can find something for them. Sephora's stores has variety of different sales promo, promo packagees, where you can get number of products of the same brand for less price; as well as packages that consist of the specific kind of product but different brands especially popular with parfumes.
-Price buyers can shop at Sephora during holidays or while they promote those special packages as I mensioned above. Although most of brands at Sephora's stores are not the cheapest ones, Sephora launched their own "Sephora" brand cosmetics that has ennormous variety and lower cost compering to the brands as Dior, Chanel, YSL etc.

 It seems like a pretty good marketing package that Sephora manage to obtain and does it sucsessfully.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

CH17 Advertisement and Publications

Kate Moss one of the most high payed models in the world. She has been doing compaigns with the most famous Italian, French, British and American designers like Dolce& Gabbanna, Cucci, Chanel, Dior,etc.  Sephora choosing the best to attract future customers and convert recent one's to regular.

Sephora developed national cause marketing campaign, that covers 39 states to benefit a children's medical charity. Strategy centered around new product development and launch of with 58 million media impressions generated within the first 10 months. Over the past 5 years, since the Operation Smile promotion began, over $1 million has been raised and the lives of over 4,000 children around the world have been changed.
A charity operates on children's facial deformities. They link this to mission- the business of beauty. They created a "cause marketing" compaign where they launched a new product, a lip balm. And with every sale of that product , thousands of children get help around the world.