Welcome to Sephora's products and branding. I would like to mansion that Sephora's stores caring about 250 brands most of those are global brands as well as manufacturer's brand, private brands, captive brands.
Global brand a brand that obtains at list a third of earnings from outside its own country, is recognizable outside its home base of customers, and has publicly available marketing and financial data.
Sephora caries Dolce Gabbanna, Chanel, Dior, YSL, Este Lauder, Juicy Couture, Armani etc.
Sephora has its own brand
"COLLECTION is designed for you to experiment, express, and explore"
by Sephora.
Sephora collection has 80 eye shadows, 90 lipsticks, 100 eyeliners, 75 make up brushes.
And its only a part of what they are manufacturing and bringing to live family branding.
Packaging. Sephora's marketers and designers developed an original black and white packaging the same is the store interia. Which is very simple but unique its very easy to recognize Sephora's packaging, which makes it promote itself. ( Persuasive labeling)
without evidence of that retailers affiliation.