Saturday, October 27, 2012

CH 18 Sales Promotion and Personal Selling.

Sephora has created a huge variety of promotions and sales to get all type of buyers
- Loyal customers those type of people who buys Sephora's product most of all of the time
SEphora has a loyalry program cards VIB cards that collect the points that you can get every time you shop at the Sephora relative to amount you spent for purchase , after that Premium comes into play and you can get some cosmetics/ parfume as a gift, but it will cost such and such amount of points.
- Competitor's customers Sephora itself build-up as a competitive brand, because as soon as you walk in you can try any product that you want without asking anybody, which is unique in this business( no other cosmetic store allows you to test their products unless sales person will offer you t try and it will be selected items)
- Brand Switchers. For those who likes to try new things and experiment with cosmetic/parfumes from different brand and different cost Sephora got a huge selection of good brands. This way many curious customers can find something for them. Sephora's stores has variety of different sales promo, promo packagees, where you can get number of products of the same brand for less price; as well as packages that consist of the specific kind of product but different brands especially popular with parfumes.
-Price buyers can shop at Sephora during holidays or while they promote those special packages as I mensioned above. Although most of brands at Sephora's stores are not the cheapest ones, Sephora launched their own "Sephora" brand cosmetics that has ennormous variety and lower cost compering to the brands as Dior, Chanel, YSL etc.

 It seems like a pretty good marketing package that Sephora manage to obtain and does it sucsessfully.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

CH17 Advertisement and Publications

Kate Moss one of the most high payed models in the world. She has been doing compaigns with the most famous Italian, French, British and American designers like Dolce& Gabbanna, Cucci, Chanel, Dior,etc.  Sephora choosing the best to attract future customers and convert recent one's to regular.

Sephora developed national cause marketing campaign, that covers 39 states to benefit a children's medical charity. Strategy centered around new product development and launch of with 58 million media impressions generated within the first 10 months. Over the past 5 years, since the Operation Smile promotion began, over $1 million has been raised and the lives of over 4,000 children around the world have been changed.
A charity operates on children's facial deformities. They link this to mission- the business of beauty. They created a "cause marketing" compaign where they launched a new product, a lip balm. And with every sale of that product , thousands of children get help around the world.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

CH 15. Sephora women's beauty retailer

                                                                       Retailing CH 15

When it comes to making purchases people do it in two ways :
1)purchasing something urgent like: toilet paper, bread, salt, advil etc.
2)and doing shopping.

In the first case people will go to convenience store, drugstore, supermarket. And the most important for customer will be the easynest to find curtain product, decent price and quick purchase process. Presentation of the store , atmosphere, odors is moving on the second shelf of priorities in this case.
Although in the second case when people going shopping they already counted amount of time and money they willing to spend.So things like interesting presentation,friendly knowledgeable assistance,nice and neat merchandise,fresh odor, pleasant music all this counts.Because shopping became like a part of entertaining process.
Sephora is a chain store but combine both type of purchases in itself.
Customers do go to Sephora just because they run out of their favorite parfume. Also Sephora stores part of the shopping process.
The presentation of the store is quite noticeble and simple. The mix of white and black colors zebra looking defiantly catches an eye.
When you walking inside one of the assistants will great you in a very friendly manner offering you a purchase bag. Personally I like customer service at the Sephora. When you need assistance they will help you out, but they will not bother you every two min. That what I cannot stand some stores have very annoying sales representatives.
Because its is also a parfume store odor is always nice at Sephora.
Merchandise is located by the company name so it is easy to find what you are looking for. If some lady walking into the store and does not know what she would like to get Sephora's assistants will give her a free make yup session, shoeing what type of make up is better( also a promotion part).
Sephora does e-tailoring big time as well as mobile and IPad purchasing. As I mencioned in my previous blogs huge part of revenue comes from e-tailoring and mobile, IPad devices.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

CH6 Consumer Decision Making

Sephora is a huge cosmetic retailer. How hard is it to make all those customers to come back and spend more and more money when there are so many competitors around? Seems like Sephora's marketing team is questioning  this on the regular basis. As soon as you walk in to the store you see tons of different cosmetics all kinds of brands, which is a huge chance for a potential customer to feel their need in some product ( Need Recognition).
 Before you realize that you are "on the hook". Next thing you know some pretty looking girl/guy with cool make up will greet you with a lovely smile and offer you a shopping bag. Even if you weren't sure you are going to buy something now your conscious  mind is getting the signal : Go feel this bag up! Now all excited and enthusiastic you are going to hunt.It is not hard to find what you need because every product line is named with pretty big letters and promotions. In case you cannot find the brand or particular product you are searching for be sure you going to have one of the Sephora's agents asking you if you need any help (Information Search). This agent will inform you about particular product or about some new promotions that is "Incredible & Limited". I really like this limited edition thing very easy and clever trick, it makes potential customer feel very special almost mystic like you know a secret, now you are the part of these secret society. I would say about myself, that caught me so many times. Then they tell you  the "secret" and in general it would be like " if you purchase X your lashes, lips, skin...etc will look 10 times more amazing, beautiful, healthy etc; it will last longer never disappointing etc; ingredients are amazing less "bad"  chemicals, more natural etc.. (Evaluation of Alternatives)

Now all happy and excited about your future transformation to a beautiful, amazing, charming, healthy looking creature you are moving toward the cashier thinking that you got everything you needed and more. But here while you waiting in line you notice these little things on promotion $5-20 only a bunch of little baskets filled with little color full tubes, nail polish, lip-sticks etc. So while you waiting for you turn you make yourself busy with looking what are those thing. Most likely you will find something you probably don't need and  will never use, but you would get it anyway.

After you complete your purchase the cashier will tell you how many points you have on your membership card and you will be eligible for some gift like little face lotion, lip-stick, etc. And everything will be packed in a black with white stripes bag  full of 'beautiful future"(Purchase)
 Sephora has been doing a great job among other cosmetic retailers and looks like the key to success. Sephora found  a good marketing strategy.